Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to make changes that stick - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to make changes that stick - Introvert Whisperer How to make changes that stick Change is really at the heart of any goal if you think about it and making a change is tough for many reasons.   First, you have to be motivated enough to tackle an issue that you’ll take action on.   But, if starting isn’t a challenge, keeping the momentum and focus can be the place where all good goals meet their death. How do you avoid derailing your goal?   Glad you asked! :- You have to plan for failure, diversion or loss of focus.   You can call it whatever you want but you have to realize that in all goals or changes, the initial enthusiasm will evaporate so you have to plan ahead before you even get started. We have to build structures to help us stay on course.   By a structure, I mean to devise things in your environment to help you keep going.   We all need them, but few people pursue them.   Here are some structures that work: A person â€" This can be anywhere from a spouse to a friend to a hired person like a trainer or coach. The power of another person to help you stay accountable to help you focus on the end result is the very best structure you can have. Put some skin in the game â€" I have found both as a business owner and personally that when a person has to shell out money, they are more invested in their outcome. Give yourself reminders â€" If you have too many sticky notes, you become “blind” to them so be cautious of using a stick note to remind yourself to do something. You could use an app to send you weekly reminders or put notes in your calendar. Physically change something â€" One of the things I do to remind myself to pick up my supplements is to put the bottle with my purse. I never leave home without it and the bottle sitting there serves to remind me to get them.   Maybe you have a project folder that you lay on the floor by your desk.   You can get creative. If you thought your goal was important enough to start, then make it important enough to finish. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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